Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Class Week 3: Conceptural Contrast/Decisive Moment

This week we were challenged to seek out opportunities for conceptual contrast along with finding the rare moments that is a split second. The first set of pictures are the conceptual contrast. This is contrast of subject elements within the picture. It was hard for me to choose my favorite pictures.
Big vs. Little (my cute husband with our adorable niece)

Agricultural vs. Rural(it's hard to see but behind this field plows moving dirt to make way for more houses)

The decisive moment is that rare moment; which I have to learn to be more patient about waiting for. I have to admit that this was a challenge for me, I usually like to snap alot of images and hope to capture these emotional moments. But I came to learn that when I wait, something magical happens! Here is my husband, Josh, and our niece, Hadley, playing together when I caught this: